“An absolute master of every technical detail, a disarming ease in the execution of the octaves, in the double notes arpeggios, in the ribattutos and in the jumps: briefly, an astonishing proof of ability without any concession to the drama, to the choreography, to the exaggerations.“
Claudio Proietti

My academic commitment
I consider my courses as an artisanal workshop, where to “learn” the job of a pianist yet working on concrete facts, with the heart, the head and the hands. We learn the art of listening, listening to ourselves first, to the sound we produce, and to consequently develop the critical sense given by our self-awareness. The ear and the basic musical culture are our northern stars. At a glance, for me, teaching means the transmission to my students of whatever I have personally learned in my life as pianist, whatever I keep learning every day.
He made his Italian debut in 70s thanks to some very important international competitions he was awarded in Afterwards. He started a prestigious piano concert career, performing in the most important theatres worldwide. Nowadays Daniel Rivera is widely renowned and highly esteemed worldwide within the piano concert landscape, considered a pioneer of piano challenges and a performer of programs and works very rarely played. This impressive and worldwide unique transcription captured the interest of Martha Argerich, who personally invited Rivera to the “Progetto Martha Argerich” in Lugano, where he performed in June 2009. Since that time, the link with the legendary Argentinian pianist turned into an intense artistic cooperation ( to be continued)
My next appointments
Radovljica Piano Competition (Slovenia)
Festival Liszt (Albano)
Concorso Pianistico “Città di Spoleto”